A blue and white logo for the ben o ' hara agency.

Protecting Your Connecticut Business

Embarking on the journey of running a business in Connecticut is an exhilarating endeavor, yet it entails inherent risks. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding business owner, safeguarding your investment with the right insurance is paramount. At the Ken O'Hara Agency, we grasp the distinctive needs of Connecticut businesses and are poised to guide you through the insurance landscape, ensuring you find the perfect coverage for your peace of mind.

Liability & Business Owners' Package (BOP) Policies

Every successful business requires a robust foundation of liability insurance. Here's a breakdown to enhance your understanding:

This covers your legal and financial responsibilities for bodily injury or property damage resulting from your business operations or products. Imagine a scenario where a customer slips and falls in your store; general liability steps in to cover medical expenses and potential legal actions.

A bundled solution combining general liability with common property coverage, including building and business property insurance. In the unfortunate event of a fire damaging your storefront, a BOP assists in covering repair or replacement costs.

For Connecticut businesses with one or more employees, workers' compensation insurance is mandatory. It protects employees injured or falling ill on the job, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and disability benefits. Additionally, it shields your business from lawsuits related to workplace injuries.

Essential for businesses utilizing vehicles, commercial auto insurance offers coverage for vehicle damage, injuries to drivers and passengers, and property damage caused by your vehicles. Similar to personal auto insurance, options like collision and comprehensive coverage provide added protection.

Tailored for professionals such as consultants, architects, or lawyers, professional liability insurance (E&O) provides crucial protection against allegations of negligence, errors, or omissions in your services. Picture a client claiming financial losses due to a faulty design; E&O insurance steps in to cover legal fees and potential settlements.

Navigating business insurance complexities is made simpler with the Ken O'Hara Agency as your guide. We're here to:

  • Assess Your Unique Business Needs: Understand your risks and requirements.
  • Compare Quotes: Source options from top-rated insurance carriers.
  • Explain Coverages Clearly: Answer your questions in plain English.
  • Tailor a Customized Insurance Plan: Aligning with your budget and business goals.

Don't let risks overshadow your Connecticut business success. Contact the Ken O'Hara Agency today for a complimentary consultation. Together, we'll construct a comprehensive insurance shield, allowing you to focus on what you do best – running a successful business.

Group Health

A woman in white coat talking to a man.

Optimizing Workforce Wellness

Empower your Connecticut workforce with top-notch group health insurance, a pivotal element in attracting and retaining top talent while fostering a productive environment. The Ken O'Hara Agency specializes in understanding the diverse needs of Connecticut businesses and is committed to assisting you in finding the ideal group health plan for your employees. Don't let finding the right group health insurance be a burden. Contact Ken O'Hara Agency today for a free consultation.

A room with many windows and wooden floors

Navigating the Connecticut Group Health Landscape

Explore the array of group health insurance options in Connecticut, each tailored to provide unique advantages and considerations. From Traditional HMO Plans, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans, and Point-of-Service (POS) Plans, to High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs), we guide you through these options. HDHPs, often paired with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), offer tax-advantaged savings towards healthcare expenses.

Building a Customized Solution

Beyond selecting a plan type, the Ken O'Hara Agency takes a holistic approach to help you:

  • Assess your budget and employee demographics.
  • Consider company culture and employee preferences.
  • Compare various plan options from top-rated carriers.
  • Negotiate competitive rates and benefits packages.
  • Develop a communication strategy to keep employees informed about their options.

Additional Considerations for Connecticut Businesses

Enhance your group health offering with strategic considerations:

  • Invest in wellness programs to incentivize healthy habits and potentially reduce healthcare costs.
  • Explore supplemental coverages such as dental, vision, and disability insurance to offer a comprehensive package.
  • Ensure compliance with all state and federal regulations with our expert guidance.

Your Partner in Building a Healthy Workforce

Choosing the right group health insurance is a significant decision, and the Ken O'Hara Agency is your trusted partner throughout the process. From initial planning to ongoing support, we:

  • Provide expert advice and objective comparisons.
  • Help you navigate complex benefits regulations.
  • Offer responsive customer service for employees and administrators.
  • Collaborate with you to create a sustainable and attractive group health solution.

Contact Us

Visit us at 48 Purnell Place, Suite 10, Manchester, CT, or give us a call at (860) 327-5202. Let's sit down together, understand your goals, and tailor a plan that's just right for you. Connect with us and allow us to be your partners in building a brighter, more secure future.